tracy hall hs rms maa



I specialise in realistic and highly detailed watercolour paintings and have been working with clients around the world since 1997. Much of my day to day work is in commercial illustration and licensing, especially jigsaw puzzles, or private commissions, but I also enjoy painting fine art in miniature which I exhibit and sell internationally.

I paint everything from flowers to wildlife in watercolour, both transparent and opaque, which is an incredibly versatile medium. I work from life, photographs and imagination; more often than not all three in the same piece. The joy for me lies in the fine details, no matter if I am working on a larger painting or a miniature.  My job is a privilege and a constant learning curve - whatever the subject!


Miniature Artists of America (MAA) Elected signature Member 2013
Royal Miniature Society (RMS) Elected Full Member 2011
Society of Animal Artists (SAA) Elected Associate Member 2011
The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society (MPSGS) Elected Associate Member 2010
Royal Miniature Society (RMS) Elected Associate Member 2009
Hilliard Society (HS) HS signature Status 2009